Friday, October 7, 2005

Badger aboot!

I had trouble with my Ubuntu partition yesterday. I couldn't boot the GUI (pronounced as gooey, Graphic User Interface). My PC locked up everytime the GUI started :-( Although that isn't the whole system that's locking up, I'm still pretty much dependent on the GUI way of doing things. Take for example the last piece of software I downloaded to my Ubuntu install. Its called Prozilla and its a download accelerator. I just had to download the GUI that came with it.

Things change though when you're moved from your comfort zone. There are times though when I want something bad enough that I muster enough brain matter to figure it out. Since I couldn't use Ubuntu, I switched to my old reliable CentOS partition. I downloaded Prozilla and the GUI (seperate program called ProzGUI) that came with it. Since it wasn't in the CentOS repository, I had to download the needed files one by one. I couldn't make ProzGUI work. After trying for several hours. I gave up. I tried to launch the thing from the terminal and lo and behold. Help was not so far away. After typing 'proz' in the terminal, I was prompted to input additional info about the file I wanted downloaded. And so began in earnest my use of Prozilla minus the attractive GUI. Using the terminal commands do make me feel geekier in a nice sort of way. I'm downloading Breezy Badger at the moment. I've decided to wait for that and use it to install over my old Ubuntu partition.

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