Friday, July 1, 2005


I recently did fresh installs on all my linux partitions. I currently have Mandrake 10.1, Ubuntu (Hoary ed.) and Xandros. Of the three, Mandrake is my fave. It was my first linux. Haven't learned all that much but I've decided to try other distributions. Blame it on the virtually limitless number of developers (hence, hundreds) of different versions out there.

So Ubuntu got second pick, Xandros got third. Xandros has the best looking bot manager though. I am also leaning toward Xandros now that I am learning how easy it is to use if you're a MS-Windows user. I'd like to be able to influence other people to use linux, a reason why ease of use is an option I want to see in a distro.

The navigation in fantastic. It beats MS-Win at its own game. The only diff is this is still linux, and I'm running the free edition (Xandros 3.0.1 Open Circulation Ed.) by choice. No one is forcing me to buy the darned thing. If I want to, I could buy additional software from Xandros. That would be where its different from the rest of the Linux's. Most distros have openly free options, charging only for add-ons that are needed to run commercial or business apps. Good thing there are user forums where people give out tips.

Take this problem I was having. I had to install Java. I had an installer, but it's an RPM. RPM is short for Redhat Package Management, or something to that effect. It's an installer format built for Redhat, Mandrake, Bayanihan Linux, Fedora, etc. Not for Xandros or Ubuntu, which use Deb installer packages because they're descendants of the Debian family of distros. Found a way around that so I wouldn't have to download everything all over again. I can use some of my existing RPM's downloaded for Mandrake. Found help here:

Another problem I encountered was the limited selection of free software available on Xandros' service. I found a way aroudn that by scouring the user forums. I found help here:

If only I could do use RPM's on Ubuntu. I have a lot from my Mandrake installs. Its really a pain to download large files over dial-up, when I could be doing something better like sleep. Ho-hum...Which reminds me. I need to get a few hours of sleep before I go to work.

1 comment:

Jajey said...

hi ed! ano problem?

email me at

hear from you soon!

may update n rin ako sa blog ko..hehe