Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Baby steps

I've been putting off trying to learn Linux for too long. Yesterday, I was going through different chats when I chanced upon an old friend. He was telling me about Linux. I've been harboring a interest for it ever since I ordered a Bayanihan Linux cd online. I was actually more curious than anything else. I also wanted to support the project by buying the official cd. Blame the nationalist in me. I too harbor a deepseated fuming anger against Gates and his kind, just like Francisco Nemenzo.

Now, I feel my mindset shifting to a more determined one. My learning curve's a bit steep, but I want to learn enough linux to be a considered a casual user. I don't dream of becoming an expert. I want enough skill to be able to do the things I want with the software without asking for a holding hand. Someday, maybe. Right, Dave? The hardest part is the first step. Wasn't it Lao Tzu that said, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step," or something like that? I start walking today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linux seems to be difficult to learn all because we have gotten so much used to Windoze. In our office, the easy learners were those people who haven't used much of Windoze.

I, myself, is trying to do my share to propagate the use of Linux thru Local Government Units. its time that we in the Government lead the people in using proper softwares, not the pirated ones.

The best thing about Linux?! its that there's always a newbie in you!