Saturday, August 14, 2004


Since last night, I started receiving text greetings. It's our fraternity's anniversary today. As always, the anniv is the one holiday everyone should remember. I got a whack for that date. How can I forget? LOL.

Aside from the whack of the venerable paddle, a lot of memorable events marred (for lack of a subtler word-LOL) my frat life. I learned to lead people (somewhat). I learned to take pride in who and what I was. I struggled with speaking in public and excelled in leading study groups on nationalism. I developed my writing through the support of a sis, who happened to be the editor in chief of the school paper (I love ya Tic-Tac!). I did a lot of stupid and fun stuff too. But that's all for my brods to know.

Memories aside, frat life made college life fun and purpose-filled. I still swell with pride everytime I shake the hand of a brod or sis. Being a frat man taught me the value of tradition and the immeasurable value of loyalty (above all virtues). I will always be a frat man because being one gave me the chance to receive something valuable - lasting friendships that spanned generations of brods. Young or old, we all share a bond unlike any other. We're bound as brothers, not by blood, but by principle.

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