Friday, February 4, 2011

Long Day, Need Sound Rest

I spent another long night at the office. Really tired. I talked on and on for about 6 hours straight, delivering the same material over and over again. I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I mean why would anyone bother doing something for their job and not enjoy it, right? To do otherwise would be torture. Anyway, I'm just tired. I'm glad to be home. I'm glad I can look over the crib and see my youngest sleeping soundly. I'm glad to be home, welcomed by my sometimes obnoxious 8-year old and my always 'makulit' 2-year old. Together, those two can make for a harrowing experience. But then again you can't really help but enjoy the company of your kids, can you?

Music's usually my cure for long days. This time around I found myself listening to UltraSound - Music for the Unborn Child. I'm not really a big fan of classical, but at certain times it's comforting and soothing. Add to that the fact that, well loud music isn't really going to make my 2-month old all that happy - LOL ;-)

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